Online Payment Instructions

Registering with our new online billing system is easy and will only take a few minutes by using the following instructions.

  1. Before you start, be sure you have a copy of your current bill handy with the remittance stub.  We will be asking for information that is available in the upper right hand corner of the remittance stub and at the bottom of the first page of your bill during our registration process. If you have already sent in your remittance stub and payment, you may also contact one of our local offices (listed below) to obtain the "Secret" code you will need to register - one of our courteous staff will assist you.
  2. Visit either of our company websites or
  3. Click on the “Pay My Bill” option.
  4. The first screen you will see is a general welcome page on which you will want to click the "continue" button.
  5. This will re-direct you over to a third-party website which we use as the secure interface for online bill payments.  At this point you will be presented with two options.  Since this is your first time using the online interface, please click on the blue "Register Now" button on the right hand side of the web-site. (Please be sure to have a copy of your current bill handy since you will need information located on the first page to walk through the following few steps.)
  6. The first page will ask for your "Service Account" and a "Secret" along with acceptance of the Online Payment Center terms of use and privacy policy.
    1. "Service Account" - Will be your new Account Number, including leading zeros (this can be found in the upper right hand corner of your payment remittance stub.)
    2. "Secret" - This will be a 7-digit numeric code that will start with the numbers "410" and the remaining digits will be the last 4-digits of the phone number listed directly below the "Due Date" shown on the remittance stub.

    Once you are ready to continue to the next step, please click the blue "Continue" button.
  7. On the next screen, a form will appear with the top 5-7 fields having pre-filled about your account and not editable.  The remaining fields will need to be completed. Those fields include :
    1. Email Address - This will be where payment receipts are sent to.
    2. User Name - This will be a username you select for future access into the payment billing website.
    3. - Password - Password requirements are : Minimum of 12 characters, max of 16 characters, must include number(s), upper and lower case letters. 
    4. - Security Question and Answer - complete.

    Once you are ready to continue, please click the blue "Submit" button.
  8. Congratulations, you are now complete and ready to use your new account. Log into your billing web-interface with the username/password that you just created. Once logged in, you can enter your credit card information for a single one-time payment or you can setup automatic payments to be taken each month.  Going forward, when your bill is ready to view/pay or a payment is received, you will receive an email message from us letting you know.

If at any point in this process, you have any question please contact us via one of our local offices and ask for any of the Customer Service Reps listed below.

Example information found in the upper right hand corner of your remittance stub.

Account Number : 0410254384
Bill Date : October 1, 2018
Telephone : 989-779-9800


We have offices located at :

Winn Telephone Company   Winn Telecom   Winn Telecom
2766 W. Blanchard Rd   402 N. Mission St   1684 S. Otsego Avenue
PO Box 367   Mount Pleasant, MI 48858   Gaylord, MI 49735
Winn, MI 48896   989-779-9800   989-748-9800
989-866-2421   866-820-3266    
Wendy   Kim, Tami or Jamie 

Article ID: 28
Created On: Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:22 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 2:44 PM
Authored by: IPNOC []

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